Tuesday 22 February 2011

A posting

Thought I'd put some stuff on here other than face, so I have.
Below is a quick-ish painting, about 20 minutes. Tried out some new brushes in this one, as well as plunging straight into colour :/ I usually create a ridiculous amount of layers when doing something like this  so I tried to keep the layer count to a minimum. Plus, PS starts to lag at around 15 layers so I managed to keep this one around 3.

I really need to try and work on colours. I don't know why, but the mass splat of brown, that is a city, in the background just doesn't look right. Although I want the city to be brown, I think I need to have picked a colour that fits more harmoniously with the others. I tried fading it toward blue but then it just disappears into the sky, and fading towards red makes it stand out even further...curse you colour, for being difficult.

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