Tuesday, 18 January 2011

Ahahaha [Madness]

An irrelevant title to pull you in. Thought I'd try something a bit different today so I'm uploading some self portraits.

So much digital-ness...I'm gonna be screwed when my Photoshop trial runs out. Then it's back to stupid pixel-less paper. God, paper!


Part I - To The Ball
 Faffing around with brushes and settings I managed to create a God of brushes. Yes. So I don't forget which one it is, it's aptly named 'the great and holy one.'

Reading a book called Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain. So here I attempted an upside down self-portrait...which was drawn upside-down. I was the right way up. But who's to say what the right way to be up is these days?

More later, obviously. Hasn't been a year yet, has it?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. So great! Just wanted to say that I'm loving this "a-portrait-a-day" challegenge! Hope you sick with it!

    Also, you have quite a talent for digital painting!
